Miku Hatsune 3D Picture Preview

Testing ingame texture and preview… using Naluri default animation and Naluri cellshade style effect:

Cellshade Preview:

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..and Diffuse with self-illumination (glow in dark), one of miku device at her arm will glow in dark and some other lite things will pose the same too. Picture (sorry for dark preview)

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if you’ll notice before, there are 2 of my models using this kind of effect in ut2004, thats is Naluri at her green seeker sensors screen and Nurani with her Red Thermal Screen… and now i still applied this at miku although normal ut2004 model would be bright even in dark, but still you’ll can see the effect…

expect another update.. but maybe late because i’m busy playing XenoSaga at PC 😛


  1. your miku glows toooooooooooooooooooooo!?!?!?THAT IS JUST SOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE Putri.C

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