Naluri to Hl2


Hi this is Boroko

I am coming with a little update about Naluri Hl2. is not dead and is it almost finishes. I have maybe said that to Xeno for some time now about it is almost finish, but I have bump into some problems.  But now it almost ready. But while you wait couth it is interesting to know what figure to replace. Why I wane know that it is that I need that info before I convert it to the game file. Portal and Team fortress 2 is something that not gona be available in the moment, when it is different system. But counter strike, half life deathmatch, Hl2, Hl2 eps 1 and 2 is working. But the reason I haven’t done the last work is I simply haven’t mulch time to work on the computer in this summer. But I in the future I think more time gona be available. But my next plan projects can maybe a Spechalpha. It looks like I maybe gona get green light from Xeno 😀 . And I not gona use so much time this time 😛

But that is all i got for now so i look forward to my release.


  1. That would be great Boroko! I would love to see that model in Half-Life 2 so much!

    If you are allowed to, will it just be ragdolled? Or a full player model?

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